11 research outputs found

    Improving vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) communication performance by using time gap following distance (TGFD) model

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    Today, there is a growing research study of IEEE 802.11p as one of option to help the drivers to travel more safely.Message dissemination protocols are primordial for safety vehicular applications. Periodic safety message (PSM) and Warning safety message (WSM) are two types of safety messages which may be exchanged between vehicles. In this paper we investigate the feasibility of deploying safety applications based on periodic message dissemination through simulation study with safety requirements as our priority concern.Vehicles are supposed to issue these messages constantly to inform their neighboring vehicles about their current status and use received messages for preventing possible unsafe situations on time. As reliability is the main concern in periodic message dissemination, a new metric called TGFD (Time Gap Following Distance) is defined which gives us more accurate benchmark for evaluating QoS in safety applications specifically.Thus, in order to improve the performance, the effective transmission TGFD studied

    Design And Development Of Zigbee Based Wireless Remote Controlling And Data Acquisition Device Through Internet

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    IrDa and Bluetooth have been used widely in many wireless monitoring and controlling devices. Although,these devices have been replaced the traditional wired systems and contribute in solving the high cost of such systems, there are drawbacks been emerged. The major disadvantages are the range limitation of Bluetooth module and the line of sight problem of IrDa device. A ZigBee is low cost and low power consumption wireless technology. It has a higher connectivity range than Bluetooth and doesn’t have line of sight problem. In this paper, an application model using ZigBee wireless remote controlling and data acquisition device as well as the use of internet connection to enable the device to be used worldwide is presented. Such system has several benefits such as portable, long wireless range, low power consumption, low cost and can be used worldwide using internet. The test results show its potential to be implemented in small offices and smart homes

    Driver Drowsiness Detection and Monitoring System (DDDMS)

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    —The purpose of this paper is to develop a driver drowsiness and monitoring system that could act as an assistant to the driver during the driving process. The system is aimed at reducing fatal crashes caused by driver’s drowsiness and distraction. For drowsiness, the system operates by analysing eye blinks and yawn frequency of the driver while for distraction, the system works based on the head pose estimation and eye tracking. The alarm will be triggered if any of these conditions occur. Main part of the implementation of this system will be using python with computer vision, while Raspberry Pi, which is uniquely designed, for the hardware platform and the speaker for alarming. In short, this driver drowsiness monitoring system can always monitor drivers so as to avoid accidents in real time

    Kerangka Paleografi Jawi Digital : Satu Cadangan Awal

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    Kajian paleografi adalah kajian untuk mengetahui tarikh dan juga tempat di mana manuskrip lama ditulis. Pada masa ini, bilangan manuskrip jawi yang terkumpul di perpustakaan utama di Malaysia sahaja dianggarkan berjumlah 7789 buah. Malah terdapat manuskrip yang tidak dapat diketahui tarikh dan tempat asalnya. Selain itu, faktor khat arab yang mempengaruhi tulisan jawi juga memainkan peranan ke atas kajian paleografi. Di dalam manuskrip jawi, wujudnya variasi jenis tulisan khat arab yang mengambarkan pengaruh penulis dan juga membuktikan bahawa manuskrip tersebut ditulis oleh penulis yang ramai. Keperluan kepada paleografi jawi digital adalah amat perlu memandang manuskrip yang banyak dan juga kini terdapat salinan manuskrip yang dibuat di dalam bentuk digital. Dalam kertas ini, kajian menjurus kepada perspektif ahli sains komputer. Kaedah penyelidik-penyelidik untuk tulisan Latin, India, Ibrani dikaji, difahami dan diperbandingkan. Satu kerangka kajian untuk paleografi jawi dicadangkan untuk mengetahui jenis pengaruh khat arab ke atas manuskrip-manuskrip jawi. Fitur-fitur global dan setempat pada imej jawi akan dikaji dan digunakan untuk tujuan pengelasan. Pengelasan fitur berasaskan jenis-jenis tulisan khat di dalam manuskrip akan menyumbangkan kepada pengenal pastian manuskrip. Selanjutnya ianya akan dapat menyumbangkan kepada asas penentuan jenis-jenis tulisan di dalam manuskrip melayu

    Performance Analysis For Wireless G (IEEE 802.11 G) And Wireless N (IEEE 802.11 N) In Outdoor Environment

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    This paper described an analysis the different capabilities and limitation of both IEEE technologies that has been utilized for data transmission directed to mobile device. In this work, we have compared an IEEE 802.11/g/n outdoor environment to know what technology is better. the comparison consider on coverage area (mobility), through put and measuring the interferences. The work presented here is to help the researchers to select the best technology depending of their deploying case, and investigate the best variant for outdoor. The tool used is Iperf software which is to measure the data transmission performance of IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11g

    Istiadat Konvokesyen Ke-55 : Jun 2002 : Dewan Sri Budiman, UiTM

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    Syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana atas limpah kurniaNya, kita berkesempatan untuk bersama-sama dalam majlis tradisi Istiadat Konvokesyen Kelima Puluh Lima yang amat bermakna dan bersejarah dengan penganugerahan ijazah dan diploma kepada para graduan.Universiti ialah tempat untuk mencambah ilmu. la dibangunkan hasil daripada keperluan, tuntutan dan kenyataan sosial, politik dan ekonomi sesuatu bangsa. Demikianlah, apabila UiTM digerakkan seawal tahun 1957 - ketika itu sebagai Dewan Latihan RIDA - 'universiti' kecil bangsa Melayu mula menjengah ke luar lingkungan dunia sempit pada masa itu untuk memperlihat asasnya kepada usaha mengangkat martabat Bangsa Melayu dan Bumiputera lain. Istiadat konvokesyen ini adalah manifestasi kejayaan dan kegemilangan tradisi keilmuan yang kita dokong selama ini. Graduan yang diraikan pada Istiadat Konvokesyen kali ini - seramai 8,333 orang semuanya merupakan hasil daripada sistem dan proses pendidikan tinggi yang disokong dengan wawasan yang jelas, niat yang tulus ikhlas, serta doa, tawakal dan sabar. Konvokesyen bukanlah majlis yang mengakhiri tanggungjawab insan untuk belajar. la hanyalah sekadar satu majlis ritual yang diadakan untuk meraikan pelajar-pelajar yang berjaya menyempurnakan satu peringkat pengajian tertentu. Apa yang lebih penting adalah usaha dan iltizam para graduan agar berupaya memanfaatkan maklumat dan pengetahuan yang mereka peroleh di UiTM untuk diterjemah menjadi ilmu yang membawa kesejahteraan kepada bangsa, agama dan negara. Atas semangat seperti itulah maka UiTM tidak pernah lupa untuk menghargai jasa-jasa insan yang berjaya bukan sahaja di bidang akademik, malah turut mengambil kira peranan dan sumbangan mereka dalam soal-soal lain. Pada istiadat kali ini, UiTM berbesar hati untuk menghargai sumbangan dan jasa yang telah ditaburkan oleh Yang Amat Berbahagia Dato Seri Dr. Siti Hasmah Haji Mohd. Ali dengan menganugerahi beliau Ijazah Kehormat Doktor Sains Kesihatan. Penganugerahan ini adalah pengiktirafan tertinggi yang diberikan oleh UiTM kepada tokoh-tokoh tertentu di negara ini. Syabas diucapkan kepada semua graduan, ibubapa, tenaga pengajar dan pentadbiran atas usaha, sumbangan, dan pengorbanan yang dicurahkan demi untuk memartabatkan agama, bangsa, dan negara tercinta

    Performance analysis for wireless G (IEEE 802.11G) and wireless N (IEEE 802.11N) in outdoor environment

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    This paper described an analysis the different capabilities and limitation of both IEEE technologies that has been utilized for data transmission directed to mobile device. In this work, we have compared an IEEE 802.11/g/n outdoor environment to know what technology is better. The comparison consider on coverage area (mobility), throughput and measuring the interferences. The work presented here is to help the researchers to select the best technology depending of their deploying case, and investigate the best variant for outdoor. The tool used is Iperf software which is to measure the data transmission performance of IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11g

    A Comparative Analysis Of QoS For Data Transmission Over Wirelees Network

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    A wireless network is admired because it strikes a good balance between speed, cost and simple installation. There are some other issues that contribute of this comparative analysis, which is confusion surrounding the capabilities and status of the IEEE standard especially the new 802.11 n WLAN standard, the performance in real environmental test like in a controlled lab may not be reproducible since its affected by the same or similar environmental factors, the IEEE reaffirmation process involves the review of an existing standard to determine if it is still useful, valid, or requires updating. It involves the creation of a standards committee working group who is tasked to review, advice and either modify or reject the standard and the future guidance for any IEEE or WLAN development integration, step by step in choosing technology in related field and benefits to the power users or users in comparing and choosing the suitable technology based on their requirements. The wireless data communications system depends on a number of variables which are throughput, distance, interference and power consumption. The main result is a comparing wireless standard and analyzing the problem of influence various factors on the rate of data transmission in Wireless networks. Yet the purpose specific work of different equipment from two different IEEE 802.11 standards was experimentally researched by using proper software and standards of a wireless network for providing suitable service was analyzed. The aim of this thesis is to provide detailed investigation and analysis of main performance issues related to wireless networks based on the IEEE 802.11 g and IEEE 802.11 n. A comparison of these standard wirelesses IEEE 802.11 will lead better understanding among the user in a future